
The people behind Thinkwalks


Current working group

ට Project of: Joel Pomerantz water researcher & guide
ට Image & publications support: Amy Conger, Pat Koren
ට Flyer design & website motif: Martina D’Alessandro
ට Tech crew: William Crowley, David Powers
ට Database consultant: Nancy Botkin
ට Exploration apps (No longer available): Ben Adair, Jonathan Adair

SF Natural History Series Talks
ට Coordination: Adrian Cotter, Joel Pomerantz
ට Hosts: Exploratorium Bay Observatory, Green Apple Books

SF Water History (Seep City) Research
ට Research, mapping: Joel Pomerantz
ට Book illustrations: Emily Underwood
ට Research support: Christopher Richard, Greg Braswell
ට Design consultant: Abe Bingham
ට Editing: Lorri Ungaretti, Barbara Cannella, Beate Flach
ට Assistance: Brooke Secor
ට Printing support: Bill Stender (SF Landmark Sign Co.), Johanna Rudolph (CCSF)
ට Divisadero streetside education kiosk host: Hani Shehadeh (Green Earth Natural Foods)

1862 Storm Research
ට Research lead: Joel Pomerantz
ට Research assistance: Cindy Casey, Emily Underwood, Devin McCutchen
ට Supporting research: Barbara Cannella, Todd Edelman, Chris Dichtel
ට Past research assistance: Caesar Napolitano, Kara Levy, Kerry McGuire, Jessica Krakow

ට Social media: Kelsey Baker
ට Calendar control: Catherine Baumgartner
ට Flyer distribution: Raquel Chavez


⋙ Seeking volunteers! ⋘

Join the universe of Thinkwalks creative explorers!

Thinkwalks volunteers needed:

ᘗ Help us spread the word about our new water map and Kickstarter campaign!
ᘗ Please let us know of any seeps, springs, or other water you come across in SF if it may be naturally sourced!
ᘗ Typist needed to transcribe notes from extensive historic photo collection.
ᘗ Major assistance needed for scanning historic photo collection.
ᘗ Major project: Help create a weather animation from “informal data.”

Paid positions available:

Publications Distribution Chief
ට Maintain bookstore relationships to distribute Seep City publications
ට Restock map & book supplies at local area stores (SF)
ට Plan author events
ට Apply for this position now! Pay $25 to $35/hr. negotiable. 4 hours per week, growing to triple that.

Thinkwalks collaborators are mostly volunteer.


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