Liberty Hill is so steep, that at 22nd street, I feel as if I am going to bump my nose as I cross the intersection to walk up. Okay, so I have a big nose.
In the 1990s there was a “HILL” warning sign at the top of the block, before being replaced by a pictorial sign. If they bother to put a “HILL” sign on a San Francisco street, you know it’s steep!
But this block was even steeper than any normal sign could convey. Cars approaching from the level intersection at the top of the block would creep forward. Even tall drivers can’t see any pavement ahead of them where it drops away below the front bumper.
It was with a sigh of relief that we in the neighborhood noticed one day that the sign had been edited to give a more accurate warning. Someone had crossed out the word “HILL” and had sprayed “CLIFF.” Now, with that international pictorial sign we don’t know what to do!
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